What to think about when choosing a breeding pair in Blockchain cuties.
When putting together a breeding pair there are a few things you need to think about.
- Which generation do you want your breeding pair to be in?
- What are you going to use the cuties you get from them on?
- How much are you willing to spend?
A gen 0 breeding pair will always give you gen 1 cuties. Which will perform better in battle and are more likely to be picked up in the market than higher gen cuties.
The best elemental stat you can get for an earth bear is for example 11 earth. Of course, if your goal is to breed forth such cuties it is best that the breeding pair has this elemental stat or as close as possible. Acquiring cuties like these will cost more than compared to something like a 5 earth bear which is way more common and easier to create.
A good way to buy breeding pairs is to contact players directly in telegram or discord and try and make a deal with them. I would suggest checking in telegram main chat first, to hear if the person you are dealing with is trustworthy. And to also ask the community about their opinion on the deal that player is giving you. As a new player, it's easy to get tricked or to make the wrong decisions.
Also, remember:
a)If you buy a breeding pair on Tron marketplace you cannot use them on the EOS blockchain and vice versa.
b)There are rules for which cuties can breed with each other based on their family tree. An example is that Cutie A breeds with cutie B, two times. Those two new cuties that are generated cannot be bred with each other. This is important to remember because when you are getting your breeding pair this rule might end up making your breeding pair useless.
c)Breeding cuties for your farm army doesn't necessarily require good elemental stats and may in fact favor an even spread on the elementals, as you will perform better overall in the different adventures as your farm army levels up.
While in more specific fights like in raids you need to think more about what elemental stats you are looking for in your cuties.
d)An older more active blockchain like Tron will have a bigger assortment of cuties to choose from than EOS, NEO, and Matic.
This is not an easy subject and it takes a while to fully understand how these things work, but eventually, you’ll get there!